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Thursday, 7 January 2021

Warlord Titan (Part 12 - more shoulder armour!)

 I'm trying to stick to my 2021 promise of posting something weekly and - as I said in my previous post - I've still been working on my Titan but fallen behind schedule with photographing and posting about it.

I've completed the remainder of the shoulder armour. I'm still trying t experiment with a bit of freehand painting. It doesn't come naturally but I think I'm happy with my results so far.

I have one more update to provide on the Titan whereby it gets some proper weapons for the first time! After that there might be short Titan-hiatus whilst I post some updates on some pieces I've completed for Blood Bowl, the Middle-Earth SBG and Necromunda.

My intention for 2021 is to complete this Titan, complete my ME:SBG collection, my Blood Bowl collection and my Necromunda collection. 

Then start working through "the cupboard of shame"!

Warlord Titan (Part 11 - Shoulder Armour)

 Happy new year to you all!

I have (sad to say) been a lazy, lazy, 'orrible, lazy git; I have woefully neglected my little blog in 2020. 

That's not to say I haven't built and painted stuff - I have. I just haven't photographed much and written it up. Time for things to change. 

The Titan I am working on still isn't finished, but I have made some progress. I've been slowed down somewhat by some other stuff I worked on (posts to follow) and also by the fact that it's winter and as this is a 3D-printed model and my 3D-printer is in my shed the colder, more damp weather tends to cause difficulties in the printing process. So the printer has had a couple of months off.

That said, there are bits I printed and painted that I haven't blogged about yet, so by way of a catch-up I'll present here the first section of the shoulder armour.

I'm going to try to get back to posting on a weekly basis in 2021. 

More Warlord Titan Stuff:

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Warlord Titan (Part 10 - Collar armour and Shoulders)

 As I've been working through this model I have been pushing myself into areas of painting I've never dabbled in before.

I started off in my old comfortable way of drybrushing the hell out of it and painting armour in basically solid colours. By the time I had completed the model up to the hips, I was starting to appreciate that this approach - whilst fine for anything up to the size of a tank - was starting to fail.

The model was looking too flat and "slabby".

So I decided to try to vary things up a little and introduced the red & silver "trompe l'oiel" stripes and checkers. I'd never done anything like them before and (whilst I will fully admit my approach is very simplistic) I'm pleased with the results.

So I've decided to try to go a little further and attempt (without a safety net) a little freehand painting:

Stay tuned for more (if you're still awake πŸ˜‹).

I've also added some shoulders to the model ready to hang some arms off and support shoulder armour:

Done some weathering too 😁.

More Warlord Titan Stuff:

Friday, 11 September 2020

Warlord Titan (Part 9 - If you want to get ahead...)

 Get a head!

This is undoubtedly my favourite part of the model. I'm impressed with the level of detail that the modeller has put into the design and how well my little 3D Printer has rendered it.

It was fun to print and fun to paint too.

More Warlord Titan Stuff:

Saturday, 29 August 2020

Warlord Titan (Part 8 - and about time too...)

Why is it that work keeps getting in the way of real life?

It's been about seven weeks since I last posted anything. I've not been idle, but just haven't gotten around to posting as work has kept me busy and I've quite honestly gotten a bit tired of looking at screens.

Anyway - my Titan now has a reactor and some void-shield generators!

Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Warlord Titan (Part 7 - The only way is up...)

So in the spirit of "Onwards and upwards" I have progressed up past the model's waist into the torso area.

One of the issues I've repeatedly had with this build stems from a total lack of instructions. I ended up mis-building the damn thing again and had to literally tear the torso section apart and put it all back together again. 

Nerve wracking, but it worked. 

As I mentioned in the previous post, I have made a move away from the solid blue/yellow and added a contrasting red/metal stripes/squares pattern. I tend not to do any freehand work, but I decided to challenge myself.

More Warlord Titan Stuff:

Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Warlord Titan (Part 6 - Armour-geddin' on with it...)

So I decided not to try to solve my issue with the legs bing on backwards as - once the armour was on (hail blu-tak!) it looked OK and seemed to be stable (bye-bye blu-tak, hello glue!).

The trickiest bit was the patella-plates - they're sort of pinned, sort of perched. The rest is fine.

However, I am now facing a new dilemma...

When I started this, I figured "this is going to be a big model. I like to keep my range of colours to a minimum as I dislike 'busy' paintjobs, but all one colour would be a bit too solid."

So I opted for a two-tone scheme. And I'm starting to worry that even that may be too solid. So for the upper part of the model, I might introduce something else. Don't know what yet.

More Warlord Titan Stuff: