Here is my Beasts of Chaos army. This army was put together on a shoestring budget and as such is rife with fixes, repairs, conversions and suchlike.
Of all my armies this is one of the ones I'm most proud of - I like the overall look and feel of them on the tabletop and whilst only painted to a "Tabletop Standard" I think they look the business, if I do say so myself.
Beasts players will no doubt spot that the army is built to the old "Beasts of Chaos" army standard rather than the newer "Beastmen" standard - this is intentional: I don't like the new Beastmen book: It would require me to rebase my Ungors, dispose of my Ogres and Giant and also gets rid of one of the unique features of the old book: The concept of Beast Herds comprised of mixtures of Gors and Ungors.
Basically, it makes the Beasts "boring". Don't want that!
The Beasts Heroes - two very old Citadel Minotaur models (roughly the same size as a Gor). I thnk these are old AD&D models from the late 1980s. |
A Beast Herd |
Another Beast Herd, with Herdstone. I actually have three Herds, but only two are shown here.
When you've seen one Herd, you've seen them all! |
Bestigors - Citadel's first go at plastic Beastmen from about 1992. |
Centigors. I don't like the Citadel centigor models, so I made my own. |
Centigors viewed from a different angle. I built them from Gor/Ungor torsos and attached them to old-style Rough Rider horses. I covered the joints with modelling putty. All the right arms are magnetised for easy storage and also so they can be swapped out for standards/musical instruments/spears. |
Chariots. Pretty much as supplied, but I swapped bits between the kits so that they looked different from each other. |
Minotaurs. The model on the left is from the old "Heroquest" set. |
More Minotaurs. The model in the middle is another "Heroquest" model. The one on the left is a conversion - left arm replaced with some Chaos Spawn tentacles and attached in such a way that the standard can be removed (it attaches to a magnet in the base and fits through a gap in the tentacles). |
Those Beastmen did really well on the field of battle. They look great too! Thanks for sharing.